Sitemap - 2023 - Nicholas Gruen

Two types of anti-semitism

Psychosis: snapshots from the inside

The kids aren't alright

They think the paintings are rubbish. I don't think they are. The auction's in two days

Sam Altman: the conspiracy theory

When the facts change I change my ideology

A sightseeing trip that resulted in 100,000 deaths, and saved 100,000 other lives

Who railed most against colonialism in the 18th century? The father of conservatism, that's who!

Government by amnesia: a new Voice

Democracy: doing it for ourselves

Diseases of the Intellect

Trying to make sense of Gaza

Anti-racism as misdirection

Rupert Murdoch: dear old pet

The day before …

Two things I'd like to fix: scaling 'what works' and democracy

Primal screams edition

The echidna strategy

Swept Away: a great film you may REALLY HATE!

Hanging on the hinge of history

When they sell your 9 year old daughter

A voice from the invisible graveyard

From repressive tolerance to repressive diversity

Liberty: Safety from tyranny or doing what you like?

Elite capture: Christianity wrote the playbook

Tyson Yunkaporta's Sand Talk

In Defence of the Bad, White Working Class

Blessed are the nutcases …

How to debate a fascist: Hint - don't

Why are you here?

The off-ramp from reality: First glimpses

Stan Grant: Guy Rundle's brilliant take

Will you take the off-ramp from reality?

Science: How it obscures reality

Erratum: Promoting Wellbeing or Anti-thinking?

Promoting Wellbeing or Anti-thinking?

Wellbeing: can we escape the iron law of business-as-usual?

Democracy: good at getting into wars and then mucking up the peace

Feudal Globalism

Scaling Character: what the 19th-century got right

How Bill Gates gives away other people's money

Some stray great writing

AI and the burgeoning of bullshit (repeat)

AI and the burgeoning of bullshit

Taste: the newsletter

Patriarchy: the upside

AI: is it coming for us? (No) Is it a big deal (Yes)

The fabrication of unreality: medical fraud edition

Wars Aren’t Won with Peacetime Economies

How to fight political polarisation

Spearmint toothpaste on exoplanets: SHOCK!!

Martin Wolf on democratic capitalism

Democracy: forking the project

Can gratitude save humanity? (Hint: No)

Having programs that work: what would it take?

Should we just suit ourselves?