Why subscribe?

This is my weekly newsletter digesting the great things I’ve found each week — as well as presenting my own work and/or editorialising as I go. It is sent at 10.15 am Melbourne time each Saturday.
In case you’re interested a couple of decades ago I described myself as a conservative, liberal, social democrat. I still do. More recently, I described myself as alt-centre. Yes many of the solutions proposed by the alt-right are a nightmare. But their diagnosis isn’t so bad. Our institutions are collapsing into self-serving careerism and elite capture.
Hyper competition — by politicians for our votes, media for our eyeballs, business for money is commoditising and hollowing out life frighteningly. So too is the performativity that pervades more and more aspects of our lives. I have a response to these problems, which starts here, but I only bang on about that a little in this newsletter.
Subscriptions are free and I have no plans to charge.