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“…. a part of the “foreign policy establishment… has embarked on an ideological quest to divide the world between democracies and autocracies….”.

This should be “says it has embarked”.

Because in fact this establishment eg Nuland and co are straight up CIA, not diplomats or bureaucrats. They are actually members of the military, running US foreign policy in a one-way-ticket to perpetual war. Nobody voted for these people. The American public hasn’t voted for them. Nor has the public in Europe voted for them, but is being forced into war by them.

Nobody has voted for Jerome Powell either, while he deliberately implements policies to impoverish workers in the US and abroad.

They are all forcing huge sections of the world into war, precarious and poverty. And no one ever voted for them or their policies.

That’s dictatorship.

So much for the narrative of “democracies”, then.

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